Artistic Control

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Artistic Control, known by other project names shuch as Aaah...! and Imago, are a 1980s band under scrutiny in the search for The Most Mysterious Song.

Speculation and Hoax Conspiracy[edit | edit source]

Henry Kent, lead singer of Artistic Control was recognised as having a similar vocal style to the TMS singer. The band's active timeframe matched that of TMS as well as the fact they used the DX21 synthesizer, found in TMS.

Gabriel Vieira, an active participant in the TMS community and creator of the subreddit, promoted the Artistic Control lead. Searching back through Vieira's online history, it was discovered they had removed Artistic Control tracks from public platforms, stirring various conspiracy theories about the motives behind this. Vieira's actions led to several members of the community splitting off into a conspiracy movement that believed Vieira knew the band behind TMS the whole time, akin to a hoax such as Above The Clouds.