Forever Changing Moodz

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(Redirected from Just Something To Dance To)

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Forever Changing Moodz
Alternative name(s) Just Something To Dance To
Artist(s) Bad Traffick
Genre Electronic
Length 6:24
Year 1991
Original poster Guglielm
Search duration 2013 - 2025

Forever Changing Moodz (formerly known as "Just Something To Dance To" and "Ceremony") is an identified electronic song by the British electronic artist Bad Traffick, which was uploaded to WatZatSong by user Guglielm in 2013.

Background[edit | edit source]

On July 28, 2013, the song was first uploaded to WatZatSong by user Guglielm,[1] before being reuploaded on March 6, 2014 to add that the song was internally tagged as Embryo Killing Grounds - Neutral & Commercial.[2] Based on the OP's other found songs, this song was most likely recorded between 1991 and 1993, and recorded from the WFMU New Jersey radio station.[3]

The song's tag is probably a mistag of the 1983 experimental song "Neutral & Commercial" by the Swedish experimental band En Halvkokt I Folie,[4] which was verified to have played on WFMU.[2][5] It's still unknown where the artist name Embryo Killing Grounds came from.

Discovery[edit | edit source]

On January 28, 2025, YouTube user TechnooiD posted a 10-second snippet of the song's previously unheard ending, claiming to have identified the song but refusing to reveal its title until one of the songs they posted was identified.[6]

On February 22, 2025, the song was identified as Forever Changing Moodz by the British electronic artist Bad Traffick, after TechnooiD shared a link to the full song in a YouTube playlist called "the goods".[7]

Lyrics[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]