Rise & Fall

From Lost Waves Wiki
(Redirected from Run High)

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Rise & Fall
Alternative name(s) Run High
Artist(s) J.
Genre House
Year 2004
Original poster pilo
Search duration 2023 - 2025

Rise & Fall (previously known as "Run High") is an identified house song by Brooklyn based electronic artist J. which was first posted to WatZatSong in 2023 by user pilo.

Background[edit | edit source]

On December 21, 2023, the song was first posted to WatZatSong by user pilo, claiming that it was from 2004.[1] The next day, he posted a 1:01 snippet, claiming that it was all he had of the song.[1]

On May 11, 2024, pilo uploaded an extended 1:10 snippet of the song to the WatZatSong thread.[2] On July 14, 2024, pilo stated that he recorded the song from a Mexican satellite PPV television station called Sky México between 2002 and 2006.[1] He believes that the song aired on a channel called 740 Dance,[1] which was created sometime after June 18, 2005,[3] but before August 28, 2005.[4]

On September 7, 2024, pilo discovered an extended recording of the song on a different cassette, which increased the song's runtime to 2:25.[5][6] They explain that they recorded tracks on different cassettes because they were unsure of "when they were going to play the same song" and the audio channel's programming.[7]

Discovery[edit | edit source]

On March 1, 2025, YouTube user TechnooiD shared a previously unheard 23-second snippet of the song, implying that the song's title was in the lyrics. They claimed to have identified the song but would not reveal its title until one of the songs they posted was identified.[8] Only three hours later, user Antwan965 identified the song as Rise & Fall by J.[9]

Lyrics[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]