
From Lost Waves Wiki
Revision as of 08:34, 13 May 2024 by FATEOFTHESTARS (talk | contribs) (Grammar fixes)

r/Lostwave is a Reddit community dedicated to discovering and promoting Lostwave music, mysterious songs and announcements about leads and discoveries. Its creation was inspired by the r/TheMysteriousSong subreddit.


On June 30th 2019, r/TheMysteriousSong was created after Gabriel Viera posted The Most Mysterious Song to several reddit communities. Shortly after this, r/Lostwave was created to discuss unknown songs that were discovered in the search for Like The Wind, such as Nefertiti and Dizzy.

Spin-Off Subreddits

As the popularity of Lostwave grew, searches that gained high amounts of attention would have subreddits created for them, in the vein of r/TheMysteriousSong. The biggest of these subreddits was r/EveryoneKnowsThat, which focused on the then ongoing search for Ulterior Motives. Other Lostwave songs with spin-off subreddits include La Cancion De Alicia (r/LaCancionDeAlicia), Just A Game (r/NowIKnowItsJustAGame) and Back to Bed (r/BackToBed).

Other r/Lostwave spin-off subreddits were created to stop memes, song covers, and unrelated discussion from flooding the subreddit. These include r/lostwavecirclejerk, r/lostwavetierlists and r/lostwaveremasters.

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