Just Passin' By

From Lost Waves Wiki

ⓘ This lostwave is classified as solved.

Just Passin' By, formerly known as World Was So Easy is a solved lostwave of Canadian origin by Big Picture that was accidentally recorded over someone's baby photo.


On February 12th 2021, Reddit user u/e-robotic post posted the clip on the tipofmytoung subreddit asking if anybody knew what song it was, The 3 second clip showed a guy named Asif Illyas on a Guitar while someone named Ben Fong sings something along the lines of "I never thought the world was so easily...." and then shortly cuts off.

On April 5th, 2021 u/e-robotic uploaded the clip onto their YouTube channel with new details. It was revealed that Asif Illyas used a Parker Fly guitar in the Video while the logo in the bottom right corner was revealed to be the New Country Network (NCN), a Country Music channel based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada which ran from 1/1/95 to 10/31/1996


On Feburary 20th 2024, after around 3 years of searching, the song was identified by U/leerosleeve, U/JadeLily_Starchild, and Chris Murphy under the name of "Just Passin' By" by Big Picture, a day later on February 21st, the full music video was uploaded to YouTube by Asif Illyas, the guitarist of Big Picture.