Lost Waves Wiki:Song Status

From Lost Waves Wiki
Revision as of 08:41, 8 May 2024 by (talk)

Here's the grades of Lostwave songs by the the status of identification.


Status Description
Confirmed existence
Identified Songs that fully identified.
Underidentified Songs that partially identified/found.
Unidentified Songs that unidentified so far.
Unconfirmed existence
Unconfirmed Songs without any proof of existence.
Hoax Songs that proven to be hoax.


In case of existence confirmed:

  • If the song is completely identified and the origins of song is already well known, use {{BoxGreen}}. Example: How Long by Paula Toledo.
  • If the song is nearly identified, but the origins, such as song title, artists, full original version, or something other is not fully known, use {{BoxLightGreen}}. Example: Edge Of A Dream.