Factory For Love

From Lost Waves Wiki

ⓘ This lostwave is classified as unsolved.


Factory For Love is an unknown pop song posted by the WatZatSong user wurlitizer18, who had stated that he had found it on a blog a while ago.

Presumed Lyrics

Full pain

Wipe the dirt from my lip

Don't see any clock on the wall

For me, time means nothing at all

Oh, how I labor for our life

Better than the one I'm living

I will work the factory for love

I slave in here for you

We will work the factory for love

Work, Work, Work, Work

Debunked Leads

  • Some had thought the song was made by Ed Sheeran, which was found false due to the unlikelihood of such.
  • Others, however, thought this was made by the late Kurt Cobain. However, that was also found false due to the same unlikelihood.