Forgive And Forget

From Lost Waves Wiki
Revision as of 15:38, 17 August 2024 by Boustrophedons (talk | contribs) (I think the cut-off word in the beginning of the song is "living". I think it just fits there.)

ⓘ This lostwave is classified as unsolved.

Forgive And Forget
Alternative name(s) You Get and Forget
Genre Ska punk, power pop
Year 1980
Status Unsolved
Original poster Slymukk
Search started 2008

"Forgive And Forget" (also known as "You Get and Forget") is an unknown ska punk song uploaded to YouTube by user Slymukk on July 5, 2008, taken from a recording from Swedish radio on April 5th, 1980.


On July 5th, 2008, the song was first uploaded by YouTube user Slymukk, who claims it was recorded on April 5th, 1980, most likely off the Swedish radio station P3.[1] The description also includes the tape's tracklist, which consists mostly of UK-based bands with songs from 1979-1980, but the song is still assumed to be Swedish based on the singer's accent.[2]

On August 17th, 2024, Reddit user pnwmkkkkkBRASIL discovered that a full recording of the April 5th, 1980 broadcast of P3 exists in the National Library of Sweden.[3][4]



  • Innervision - Forgive & Forget: Obscure UK new wave band, with an unreleased demo cassette containing a song called Forgive & Forget.[5]


