Cast Away From Here

From Lost Waves Wiki

ⓘ This lostwave is classified as unsolved.

Cast Away From Here
Alternative name(s) Cast Away From You
Genre Alternative Rock
Year c. 2005
Status Unsolved
Original poster account12399
Search started 2021

Cast Away From Here (also known as "Cast Away From You") is an unidentified alternative rock song uploaded to WatZatSong in 2021 by user account12399.

Background[edit | edit source]

On November 29, 2021, the song was first uploaded to WatZatSong by user account12399, who claimed that he recorded the song around 2005 off an unknown radio station in Saville, Spain.[1]

The song first gained attention in the Lostwave community on December 17, 2021, when it was reuploaded by YouTube user eccote.[2]

Leads[edit | edit source]

Possible[edit | edit source]

Debunked[edit | edit source]

  • Larry - Cast Away:[3] Larry, a punk band from Germany, released a CD in 2004 called Glück Im Spiel, Geld Für Die Liebe, with the 9th track being called "Cast Away", however the song was ruled out after contacting an owner of the CD.[4]
  • Indi★Radio 2:[5] Spanish compilation tape of indie rock songs from 2005, was confirmed to not contain the song.[6]

Lyrics[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]