
From Lost Waves Wiki

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The cover of Rollerskate Skinny's 1992 EP Novice, which features the song.
Artist(s) Rollerskate Skinny
Genre Shoegaze
Length 8:30
Year 1992
Original poster Guglielm
Search duration 2012 - 2024

Complacency (previously known as "In The Sunshine") is an identified shoegaze song by Irish indie-rock band Rollerskate Skinny. The song was originally posted to the New Wave Outpost forums by user Guglielm in 2012, then was reuploaded to WatZatSong in 2013.

Background[edit | edit source]

On August 23, 2012, the song was first posted to the New Wave Outpost forums by user Guglielm as part of a collection of lost songs, but it did not gain much traction.[1]

On July 18, 2013, the song was first uploaded to WatZatSong by user Guglielm,[2] before being reuploaded on August 4, 2014.[3] Based on the OP's other found songs, this song was most likely recorded between 1991 and 1993, and recorded from the WFMU New Jersey radio station.[4]

Discovery[edit | edit source]

On November 15, 2024, Reddit user a_horde_of_rand recognized the song after it was uploaded to r/shoegaze by user Wyyvern, identifying it as "Complacency" by the Irish indie-rock band Rollerskate Skinny.[5]

Leads[edit | edit source]

Debunked[edit | edit source]

  • Paul Myhre – Sunshine:[3] Song featured on a 1992 compilation of alternative rock music, confirmed to not be the same song.[6]
  • Willard – Sunshine Wire:[3] 1993 alternative rock song, confirmed to not be the same song.[7]

Lyrics[edit | edit source]

Personnel[edit | edit source]

Ken Griffin – vocals

Ger Griffin – guitar

Steve Murray – bass

Jimi Shields – drums, vocals

References[edit | edit source]