Foxes In Boxes

From Lost Waves Wiki

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Foxes In Boxes
Artist(s) Lamya
Genre R&B
Year 2004
Original poster Michael Bise
Search started April 7th, 2021

Foxes In Boxes is an unidentified R&B song that featured on a March 2004 CD which was used as background music in GapBody stores.

Background[edit | edit source]

On April 7, 2021, the song first appeared on a blog dedicated to archiving Gap in-store playlists.[1] Michael Bise, a Blogspot user,[2] uploaded the March 2004 playlist identifying the song's title as "Foxes In Boxes"[3] as well as a CD made by background music producer Muzak for use in GapBody stores which included the song (plays at 30:04).[4]

The song first gained attention in the lostwave community on May 16, 2023, when it was reuploaded by YouTube user q.[5]

Discovery (May 2023 - Present)[edit | edit source]

On May 27, 2023, the artist was most likely identified as Kenyan-born English singer-songwriter Lamya, because they have an identical vocal style and they released a song called Foxes In Boxes exclusively on MySpace, which has not been archived.[6]

Lamya is no longer available to be contacted because she died on January 8, 2009,[7] and no one has been able to contact anyone associated with her to confirm whether or not she performed the song.

Lyrics[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]
