Give Me Your Wings

From Lost Waves Wiki

ⓘ This lostwave is classified as unsolved.

Give Me Your Wings
Genre Folk
Year 1970-1979
Status Unsolved
Original poster invictus
Search started 2022

Give Me Your Wings (also known as "We Could Fly') is an unidentified folk song sourced from a 1970s pornographic compilation film called Rene Bond Worships Dick.

Background[edit | edit source]

On March 20, 2022, the song was first uploaded to WatZatSong by user invictus. The song was assumed to be from a pornographic film based on background noises heard in the audio, but the OP did not know the film where the song originated.[1]

On September 13, 2023, the song's source was identified by YouTube user gabrielsabelfeld, recognizing the audio to be from the pornographic film Rene Bond Worships Dick.[2]

On February 2, 2024, YouTube user Chernyat discovered that the film was actually a compilation of sex scenes from films starring actress Rene Bond,[3] which were created between 1969 and 1980.[4]

Lyrics[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]