Just Make It Louder

From Lost Waves Wiki

ⓘ This lostwave is classified as unsolved.

Just Make It Louder
Genre Alternative Rock/Industrial
Year 2000s
Status Unsolved
Original poster t3rminat3d
Search started 2008

Just Make It Louder (also known as "Slip Away") is an unidentified alternative rock song uploaded to YouTube by user t3rminat3d in 2008.

Background[edit | edit source]

On February 3, 2008, the song was first uploaded to YouTube by user t3rminat3d, who provided no information about where they got the song.[1]

The song first gained attention in the Lostwave community on May 6, 2022, when it was reuploaded by YouTube user Mysterious Voice.[2]

On October 4, 2024, a user named forlord2300 commented on the original upload, claiming to be the OP t3rminat3d.[3] They said that a friend from France sent them the song in 2007,[4][5] but this user has yet to provide definitive proof that they are the original OP.

Lyrics[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]