User talk:Spyvs.Spy

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From Lost Waves Wiki

Hey, Juicy here :), I see that you're working a lot on the wiki which is really nice so thank you for that! Would you maybe be interested in becoming a mod? It would be useful to streamline what we're going to work on. There are next to me already 3 other active admins: Nelgix, Gambuzino88 and Ba7ien.

Thank you so much Juicy, I'd love to become a mod but I don't know how active I can be in future as I'm editing so much because I'm very ill at the moment and it's all I can do. Still I'd love to help out as much as I can because this is a great Wiki.

Good to hear,but get better soon! You will just be able to keep an eye out for any weird activity and you will be able to add stuff that is protected. Also there is a bot running that cleans up pages and spam users. So I know it's annoying but you can leave the pages as they are. The bot should always run and if it is not at one point, there is a script that checks if it is still alive every 15 minutes. You can keep an eye on the logs if the bot it still doing its job though! Also please join our discord server if you havent already, this is where the mods communicate about the wiki: .

Thank you! I didn't realise about the spam cleaning bot, so sorry about that!

Interface admin[edit source]

Hi, I extended your user group to Interface Administrator additionally to help me modernizing this wiki. If you don't need/can't use Interface Admin functionality, you can step down. But I think you can help me on this question. Regards, --LB-LM (talk) 06:39, 9 May 2024 (EDT)

Hi LB, I don't really know what interface admin entails but I will watch some videos on it if I need to. I mostly came here to write accurate information about lost song searches.

About the wiki[edit source]

I saw you talked about a comment of mine about making this wiki better than Lostwave Finest, here it is:

References: Instead of "links" just put "references". They should be placed like this:

Note: Remove the space when placing on the page

Lyrics: You don't need to put lyrics on the page, I think it pollutes it a lot.

Space; Just a space between one paragraph and the next, no more is needed.

Infobox: Place images in the infobox.

List of Lostwaves: When adding a lostwave to this page, add images.

That's all, sorry if it's confusing.

Bronx Stories[edit source]

Here's the song. --LB-LM (talk) 07:53, 12 May 2024 (EDT)

Infobox[edit source]

Please, put infobox in the pages.

Thanks P2 will do