Foxes In Boxes

From Lost Waves Wiki
Foxes In Boxes
Artist(s) Lamya
Genre R&B
Year 2004
Original poster GapBody
Search started April 7th, 2021
File:Foxes in Boxes.wav

Foxes In Boxes is an unidentified, but possibly solved R&B song. It had originally appeared in a GapBody CD from March 2004[1], and this song was the only song not labeled. The song was most likely to be made by Lamya, but she had unfortunately passed away in 2009.


The song would first appear in a GapBody CD listing from March 2004, on the third album listing (plays at 30:04)[2]. The song wasn't credited with an artist, so it remained unidentified.

On May 17th, 2023, Ziro would reupload the song onto Youtube[3], for further possible identification.

Discovery (May 27th, 2023-present)

In May 27th, 2023, an ASCAP repertory for the song was found, along with Lamya's MySpace account [4], both displaying the song as hers. A cross-check shows that she sounds identical to the song and both songs come from 2004. The MySpace page shows that the song is ~30 seconds shorter, but the ASCAP repertory shows two different versions.

We unfortunately cannot contact Lamya as she passed away on January 8th, 2009[5] and the only way we can confirm that the song is indeed hers is to contact Carrington Daren Micheal, the songwriter.
