
From Lost Waves Wiki
Revision as of 12:27, 18 May 2024 by Spyvs.Spy (talk | contribs) (Additional info)

ⓘ This lostwave is classified as solved.


Cover art for the Monkeys/Nefertiti single, by Ron Meerbeek.
Alternative name(s) Egyptian Wife
Artist(s) Two Big Boys
Year 1987
Status Solved
Original poster redoalfo
Search duration 2013 - 2020

Nefertiti, previously known as Egyptian Wife, is a solved lostwave of the band Two Big Boys, posted by Youtube user redoalfo, on January 3, 2013. It was the B-Side for their 7" vinyl of the song Monkeys.


In 2009, a snippet of Monkeys was uploaded to Youtube. On November 18th, the music video was also uploaded but under the title "Two Big Boys". Around the same time, a collector of rare viynl listed the record.

On January 3, 2013, the Youtube user Redoalfo uploaded a mysterious song they titled "Egyptian Wife", that the user got from an unidentified collector (possibly the one who listed the record previously) who was trying to sell the record.

The collector posted a speed up snippet lasting 1.06 minutes, but did not provide the name of the song or the record.

The song was found by the New Wave Outpost forums, where the search for On The Roof became popular, and was investigated admin Analoge-Mechanik for a short time, although no leads were uncovered.

In 2019, Redoalfo's channel was rediscovered by users searching for The Most Mysterious Song On The Internet, as Redoalfo had uploaded part of that song in 2011. This led to Gabriel Vieira, who popularised searching for said Most Mysterious Song, investigating the other two unknown tracks on the channel (Nefertiti and Dizzy by the Flying Lizards). No leads were uncovered and the search was abandoned.

In October 2019, C. W. Schultz listed the song as the Third most mysterious song in their Top Ten Most Mysterious Songs video.


After Schultz uploaded the video, a user on New Wave Outpost recognised the song and bought the Two Big Boys record. On May 2020, the Youtube user newdarkfades posted the full song at the correct speed with its name and artist to his channel. At the same time, Nico Zúñiga at Dead Wax Records also recognised the track and commented about it on the C.W. Schultz video. They found the record and revealed the full name and band, which is "Nefertiti" by the band "Two Big Boys", which led to the newdarkfades video being discovered.

The confusion surrounding the song had come from the fact the 7" of Monkeys was not listed on Discogs, but was found on a smaller music database called 45Cat. This lead to the Discogs being rectified.

Vicki Bonnet, acting as a spokesperson for the band, reached out to the community and revealed more information about the track. The lyrics were written by Ron Meerbeek and the music was written by Vicki Bonet (aka Stella Venucci). Meerbeek provided additional backing vocals. Meerbeek passed away in 2020, with the band posting an unofficial music video for Nefertiti to commemorate this.
