List of unsolved Lostwaves of the 1980s

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A list of the unsolved Lostwaves of the 1980s.

Placeholder name OP Possible year Note

80s Unknown Song kikispipis1 1980s Filtered out from another song, according to the OP.

American Daydream Acidbeats9 1984-1986

Baby It's Not Too Late invictus Early 1980s Used in two porn films, with one being unknown.

Bilder aus Amerika BasicMasterReloaded 1983

CIA DJFormaldehyde 1984

Damenwahl нет войне! 1980s Recorded off of Swiss radio

Deluded Lost and Obscure March 1983 From a Dave Fanning's Irish Show from March 1983

Everyday Is Work-Work guglielm 1983 Tagged as "Everyday Is Work-Work" by Progressive Aid

Fairlight Demo NY80sTapes 1980s Might be a song demo or an experimental electronic song that was created with a Fairlight CMI synthesizer

Hey I’m Out Alex 1980s From a German TV program

Howard The Duck Reggae Song Phaota 1986 From the 1986 film Howard The Duck

I Was A Fool In Love guglielm 1980-1984

Just Doesn't Fit guglielm 1980-1984

Keep Your Faith guglielm 1980-1984

La La La Игорь Вилков 1988 From the pornographic film "Sin Dream with Desiree". The singer wants to remain anonymous.

Let's Get Up wernerernest 1988 From the porn film "A Perfect Stranger." The singer wants to remain anonymous.

Light The Lanterns Windows To Sky 1985 Found on a cassette tape labeled: "Demo, Listen Today." Original post by OP was privated.

New Neurosis sailorfreak 1980

One More Chance Hpets 1980s Was downloaded from PTP platform Soulseek, with the file name being "Unknown"

Paradise avignonfunk 1980s

Poor Christmas René M. 1986-1987 Has been searched for on the internet since around 2001, tagged as The Face/Faith - Poor/Pure/Your Christmas.

Pretty One belriose 1987 From a Belgian radio broadcast

She’s A Rainbow guglielm 1980-1984

So Long My Mixed Salad 1987 From the 1987 film "Com'è Dura l'Avventura"

Somewhere In The Night funky_vinyls_records 1980s

Stranger In The Corner NY80sTapes 1983

That’s The Magic windlamp 1987 From a promotional S-VHS National/Panasonic Demonstration Tape made in the late 1980s & sold in Japan

The Best is Yet to Come Beatles Bootlegs9 Late 70s - early 80s

The Fallen King sled1025 1987-1989 Recorded from the nationally syndicated radio format Z-Rock. DJ's name was (probably) Pat Dawsey.

Trip To Rio MellieTerry 1987 Tagged as Base Bazaar - Trip To Rio

Wait Forever nakkiel7 1980s Labeled as "In Tension - Wait Forever", however, no information of the band is available